An Efficient Selfishness Aware Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks


 Delay Tolerant Networks (DTNs) enable data transfer when mobile nodes are onlyintermittently connected. DTN routing usually follows store-carry-and-forward mechanism. Therefore,the willingness of nodes to relay messages for other nodes plays a significant role in the routing process.Moreover, since the resources in mobile devices are generally limited, carriers of mobile devices maybe unwilling to relay messages for other nodes in order to conserve their scarce resources. Whenconsidering routing in DTNs, such selfish nodes have to be considered. Existing routing algorithmsdetects routing misbehavior can be caused by selfish nodes that are unwilling to spend resources suchas power and buffer on forwarding packets of others, or caused by malicious nodes that drop packets tolaunch attacks. To mitigate routing misbehavior by limiting the number of packets forwarded to themisbehaving nodes. Many challenges considers of selfishness of users who prefer to relay data forothers with strong social ties. Such social selfishness of users is a new constraint in network protocoldesign. Proposed work carries Social Selfishness Aware Routing (SSAR) algorithm to allow userselfishness and provide better routing performance in an efficient way. SSAR considers both users’willingness to forward and their contact opportunity, resulting in a better forwarding strategy.

Authors and Affiliations

N. Senthilkumar


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How To Cite

N. Senthilkumar (30).  An Efficient Selfishness Aware Routing in Delay Tolerant Networks. International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, 2(5), 1279-1283.