Analysis of PAPR in Precoded OFDM Systems for M-QAM
In Orthogonal Frequency Division multiplexing (OFDM) one of the main drawbacks is High peak to Average Power Ratio. So Reducing the PAPR will reduce the Complexity of Converters (such as Analog to Digital & Digital to Analog Converters) and also increases the efficiency of RF High power Amplifier (HPA). In this paper analysis of various Precoded OFDM Systems for M-QAM (where M=16, 32, 64, 256).We compare the Computer simulation results of precoded Systems to find better PAPR Reduction Method. Analysis is done on Discrete Hartley Transform(DHT) precoded OFDM system, Walsh Hadamard Transform(WHT) precoded OFDM system, Selected Mapping(SLM), Discrete Fourier (DFT) precoded OFDM system using M-QAM. Simulation results show that the PAPR of DHT precoded OFDM system is lower than WHT precoded OFDM system, SLM-OFDM system and OFDM conventional and DFT precoded OFDM system has almost zero PAPR.
Authors and Affiliations
G. Durga Prakash
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