Zigbee Based Wireless Air Pollution Monitoring System Using Low Cost and Energy Efficient Sensors
Air pollution is a major environmental health problem affecting the developing and the developed countries alike. The effects of air pollution on health are very complex as there are many different sources and their individual effects vary from one to the other. These chemicals cause a variety of human and environmental health problems Increase in air pollution effects on environment as well on human health, so this paper contain brief introduction about air pollution. To monitor this pollution wireless sensor network (WSN) system is proposed. The proposed system consists of a Mobile Data-Acquisition Unit (Mobile-DAQ) and a fixed Internet-Enabled Pollution Monitoring Server. The Mobile-DAQ unit integrates a single-chip microcontroller, air pollution sensors array, and Global Positioning System Module (GPS Module). The Pollution-Server is a high-end personal computer application server with Internet connectivity. The Mobile-DAQ unit gathers air pollutants levels (CO, NO2, and SO2), and packs them in a frame with the GPS physical location, time, and date. The frame is transmitted to the Pollution-Server via xigbee module. The Central-Server is interfaced to Google Maps to display the location of hardware unit. We can connect database server to the Pollution- Server for storing the pollutants level for further usage by various clients such as environment protection agencies, vehicles registration authorities, and tourist and insurance companies.
Authors and Affiliations
Mr. Vasim K. Ustad , Prof. A. S. Mali , Mr. Suhas S. Kibile
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