Assessment of Knee Joint Proprioception in Weight Bearing and in Non-Weight Bearing Positions in Normal Subjects
Journal Title: Journal of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences University - Year 2013, Vol 2, Issue 2
Background: Assessment of proprioception isvaluable for identifying proprioceptive deficits.There are several methods to assess the proprioception.Joint position sense can be assessedin weight bearing (WB) and non weight bearing(NWB) position of the limb whose joint is tobe tested. Aim and Objectives: To find out thedifference in joint position sense in NWB andin WB positions in normal subjects. Materialand Methods: 40 normal healthy subjects betweenthe age group of 20 to 25 years were selected.Subjects with recent lower limb trauma,pain and musculoskeletal deformity involvingknee and ankle were excluded. Right knee jointproprioception at 300 knee flexion was measuredusing non weight bearing and weight bearingmethods by active test with epsilateral activelimb matching response. The knee joint positionsense was measured by universal Goniometer.Average of 3 response angle was takenas the final reading. Two assessment procedureswere compared with Mann-Whitney Test. Positionsense accuracy was measured as a relativeerror. The relative error was calculated asan arithmetic difference between test and responsepositions. A measure of variability ofindividual observation was calculated by SD andcoefficient of variation Results: Present studyshows that there is a significant difference intwo assessment procedures while testing jointproprioception (P <0.005). The mean of WBmethod [31.970] is relatively higher when comparedwith NWB procedure [30.420] but lessinter-observation variability in terms of coefficientof variation is seen in WB position. Inthe present study relative error in WB position(-1.8650) is more as compared to NWB position(-0.2630), and the difference is statisticallysignificant (p<0.005). Conclusion: There isstatistically significant difference between thetwo assessment procedures. Average relativeerror of WB position is more as compared toNWB position. WB procedure produced morenegative relative error i.e. Response was underestimatedduring WB testing of proprioception.
Authors and Affiliations
Madhavi V Lokhande , Jaimala Shetye , Amita Mehta , Medha V Deo
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