Ceramic Waste : Effective Replacement Of Cement For Establishing Sustainable Concrete
Ceramic waste is one of the most active research areas that encompass a number of disciplines including civil engineering and construction materials. Ceramic waste powder is settled by sedimentation and then dumped away which results in environmental pollution, in addition to forming dust in summer and threatening both agriculture and public health. Therefore, utilization of the ceramic waste powder in various industrial sectors especially the construction, agriculture, glass and paper industries would help to protect the environment. It is most essential to develop eco-friendly concrete from ceramic waste. In this research study the (OPC) cement has been replaced by ceramic waste powder accordingly in the range of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% 40%, & 50% by weight of M-20 grade concrete. Concrete mixtures were produced, tested and compared in terms of compressive strength to the conventional concrete. These tests were carried out to evaluate the mechanical properties for 7, 14 and 28 days. As a result, the compressive strength achieved up to 30% replacing cement with ceramic waste.This research work is concerned with the experimental investigation on strength of concrete and optimum percentage of the partial replacement by replacing cement via 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% of ceramic waste. Keeping all this view, the aim of the investigation is to study the behavior of concrete while replacing theceramic waste with different proportions in concrete
Authors and Affiliations
Amitkumar D. Raval1 , Dr. Indrajit N. Patel2 , Prof. Jayeshkumar Pitroda
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