Design And Implementation Of Luo Converter For Electric Vehicle Applications
This paper proposes the stable and ripple free output voltage from the design of developed Dc-Dc converter topology. Dc voltage provided by battery contains high voltage ripples and it is not constant enough voltage, thus it is not applicable for most devices like electric-vehicle controller, dc-chargers, etc. Dc-Dc converters are employed to attenuate the ripples regardless of change in the load voltage. In the existing method, the classical buck converter for electric vehicle applications does not meet the load requirement containing more ripples on the output voltage and parasitic effects. To overcome this problem the advanced developed Dc-Dc luo-converter technology was introduced. luo converter is the developed converter derived from the buck-boost converter. In this proposed model the additional filter elements in the luo-converter eliminate the output ripples and effectively enhance the output voltage level. A computer simulation using MATLAB/SIMULINK confirms the predicted results.
Authors and Affiliations
A. Manikandan , N. Vadivel
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