Effect of Different Processing Methods on Nutritional Composition of Bitter Leaf (vernonia amygdalina)
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Pharmacy (IOSRPHR) - Year 2015, Vol 5, Issue 6
Effect of different processing methods on proximate, vitamins and minerals composition of vernonia amygdalina were evaluated using standard procedure and method. Leaves of vernonia amygdalina were subjected to boiling, sun drying squeeze washing+ salt and squeeze washing+boiling. Proximate values of the fresh vegetables were generally higher than it processed counterparts. The least moisture and Fiber content were recorded for sundried leave, while the least lipid, proteim and ash contents were recorded for Squeeze+boiled leaf. Squeeze+salt processing methods had the least effect on the proximate content when compared with other processing methods. The vitamin C and A contents of the fresh leave were 195.5+0.14 mg/100g and 0.38+0.02mg/100g respectively. The vitamin C and A contents were more lowered in Squeeze+boil sample, while Sundrying had the least effect on vitamin C and vitamin A content when compared with other processing methods. The fresh leaf also had higher mineral contents than the processed vegetable except for Na which was highest in Squeeze+salt sample. The least Fe, Ca and K contents were recorded for Squeeze+boil sample. In conclusion Vernonia amygdalina possesses considerable amounts of nutrients. However, the traditional method of processing this vegetable results in loss of some of the vital nutrients
Authors and Affiliations
Tsado1* A. N. , Lawal2 B. , Santali1 E. S, Shaba1A. M. , Chirama1 D. N. , Balarabe1 M. M. , Jiya3 A. G. and Alkali1 H. A.
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