Evaluation of the development of business incubators in Poland in comparison to the business incubators sector in USA
Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2013, Vol 11, Issue 2
In this paper, the author makes a comparison of business incubators in Poland and the United States. Defining the concept of business incubators, author points to the subject area, which is devoted to the study and the report which is the result of the study. The historical development sectors in both countries is presented, as well as analysis of the current situation. There are analyzed certain aspects of incubators operations, such as key indicators, social groups, which incubating entrepreneurs derive from, incubators ownership structure, sources of financing, duration of the incubation process, business priorities and barriers of the development. Based on the conducted comparison, the development of the Polish institutions is assessed in relation to the patterns observed in the United States. Conclusions are drawn regarding fundamental differences in defining the objectives of incubators, as well as ongoing changes in setting these priorities. As important to the functioning of the described entities are indicated funding structure, that historically differ significantly in both cases, while Poland tries to adapt the model of U.S. sector. It is also two types of incubators (corporate and operating in a model of accelerated incubation of many startups with little seed capital investments), which in the U.S. have gradually developed, while Poland has not yet been formed. In conclusion, the author points to the process of approaching by the Polish sector to the U.S. model, pointing out that the shape of these institutions are influenced by macroeconomic, political and social factors.
Authors and Affiliations
Krzysztof Górka
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