Groundwater and Its assessment for Irrigation purpose in Hanmakonda Area, Warangal District, Andhra Pradesh, India[/b] [b] [/b]


 Groundwater is one of the most valuable natural resources, which is an immensely important and dependable source of water supply in all climatic regions over the world. A total of 18 groundwater samples were collected and analyzed for various physical and chemical parameters, such as, electrical conductivity, pH, dissolved solids (TDS), Na[sup]+[/sup], K[sup]+[/sup], Ca[sup]2+[/sup], Mg[sup]2+[/sup], Cl[sup]-[/sup], HCO[sub]3[/sub][sup]-[/sup], CO[sub]3[/sub][sup]2-[/sup] and TDS. Sodium adsorption ratio, Sodium percentage, residual sodium carbonate, kelley’s index and magnesium hazard, were calculated based on the analytical results. Majority of the samples (78%) belong to C3–S1 water class, indicating water with high salinity and low sodium. Thus, the study recommends suitable management measures to improve to increase agricultural output.[/i]

Authors and Affiliations

Narsimha A , Sudarshan V , Swathi P


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How To Cite

Narsimha A, Sudarshan V, Swathi P (2013).  Groundwater and Its assessment for Irrigation purpose in Hanmakonda Area, Warangal District, Andhra Pradesh, India[/b] [b] [/b]. International Journal of Research in Chemistry and Environment (IJRCE), 3(2), 196-200.