Influence of iaa on in vitro shoot elongation of Eucalyptus tereticornis-103 ; a potencial pulp Wood clone


Paper is an essential commodity required for communication. Literacy pursuits, packaging and a variety of the applications. Wood is the principle source of cellulosic fiber for pulp and paper manufacture. At present, wood provides about 93% of word’s virgin fiber requirement, whole non-wood sources; mainly Bagasse, straws, and bamboo provide the reminder. Eucalyptus tereticarnis is a fast growing tree can reach 30 to 45 meters in hight and 1 to 2 meter in diameter. Eucalyptus oil is acrid and bitter and is a ruptured, astringent, thrmogenic, antiseptic, deodorant, stimulant, carminative, and digestive, cardio phonic, diuretic, expectorant, insect repellent, rubefacient and antipyretic. It is useful in healing flatulence; halptosis worm intestation cardiac debility, tuberculosis. Chronic cough, asthma, bronchitis, pyorrhea, burns, dyspepsia and skin diseases. The present study indicate that the in vitro culture of Eucalyptus tereticarnis clone 103 using WPM medium along 0.4mg/L auxin,produced superior quality and yield with higher micro shoot, when compare with the other MS ,Nicth media having various concentration of IAA. The result confirms 0.4mg/L auxin in WPM medim improved shoot elongation of micro shoot length and number of shoot that can improve the productivity. It deals with the influence of auxins in the in vitro shoot elongation of Eucalyptus tereticarnis clone103. The results of this study can be utilized for further research programs. This may lead to increased production of the Eucalyptus plants in the shoot period of time, because the Eucalyptus tree which is useful in medicinal, economical aspects.

Authors and Affiliations

Logeswari , Kanagavalli


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How To Cite

Logeswari, Kanagavalli (2014).  Influence of iaa on in vitro shoot elongation of Eucalyptus tereticornis-103 ; a potencial pulp Wood clone. International Journal of Novel Trends in Pharmaceutical Sciences, 4(1), 12-19.