Medicine in a multi-cultural and multi-religious society. A challenge for physicians
Journal Title: Forum Teologiczne - Year 2014, Vol 15, Issue
Conflict situations in medical practice can have different causes. They can arise from the difficulties involved in deciding which medical treatment or procedure to adopt; or in deciding whether or not high-technology medicine is advisable in a particular case; or in finding a way to resolve communication difficulties between physician and patient; or in discussing sensitive issues concerning the beginning and end of life. A topic which requires urgent discussion in modern medicine is how professional medical care should be administered in a society that is multi-cultural and multi-religious. In this kind of context, the relationship between physician and patient plays a crucial role. The joint effort of patient and physician to bring about recovery depends not only upon the level of respect that the doctor has for both the rights and the autonomy of patients but also upon the sensitivity which he or she has for differences in their cultural background and religious affiliation. Hence, this article discusses how medical care might be provided in a multi-cultural and multi-religious society. Can recommendations be given to physicians that might help them to form a more constructive relationship with patients who come from such an environment? Can modern medicine thereby be given a more human face? This topic has begun to be discussed more frequently in the academic literature. While this article is very much based on my own experiences in oncology and palliative care, I will nevertheless also refer to the current literature in the course of my article.
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