Journal Title: International Journal of Modern Engineering Research (IJMER) - Year 2012, Vol 2, Issue 1
In the present days the search engines return the same results for the same query, regardless of the user’s interest. So in order to avoid that we introduce new concept called personalization. The Personalized Search aims to customize search results according to each individual user for him to find the most relevant documents to him on the top by considering his idiosyncrasies. This could possibly satisfy them and help in finding relevant information easily and quickly. User profile is a component of any personalization applications. Most existing user profiling strategies are based on objects that users like, but not the objects that users dislike. In this paper, we focus on search engine personalization and develop concept-based user profiling methods that are based on both preferences. Users can be mined from the concept-based user profiles to perform mutual filtering. Browsers with same idea and can share their knowledge
Authors and Affiliations
D. Nagesh, M. V. Vijaya Saradhi
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