Romania’s Economic Development as an EU Member. What is the European Union?
Journal Title: STUDIUM - Revista studenţilor, masteranzilor şi doctoranzilor în istorie - Year 2015, Vol 8, Issue 1
My presentation sets out to explore Romania’s economic development as an EU member. But in order to understand that, one needs to capture the underdevelopment trends of the local economy before Romania joined the EU. For no country with deep-seated institutional problems has instantly reversed its economic trend just by joining a political organization. Therefore my presentation will bring to the forefront the impact that a low-capacity state usually has had on economic development. Second of all, considering that the EU might be a Sektoraalstaat, one also needs to understand the power relations specific to a supranational entity in order to have a better grasp on the economic development of a low-capacity state under such circumstances. As a public authority, the European Union is less than a state, but more than an international organization. “Entity”, “geopolitical actor”, “multi-level governance” are examples of inaccurate terms that have been used to capture the meaning of a political organization with a diffuse physiognomy. Therefore, another aim of my presentation will be to unpack the meaning of the European Union, starting from the premise that the Weberian definition of the state lacks the flexibility to encompass the actual sense of the EU. By employing an approach specific to economic sociology, I pay particular attention to the social and economic effects engendered by the export of European institutional model to Eastern Europe with an emphasis on Romania.
Authors and Affiliations
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