Sodium Valproate and Sodium Dimercaptopropane Sulfonate, No Binding To Tetramine and No Reduction of Blood Tetramine Level

Journal Title: Journal of Neurological Sciences-Turkish - Year 2012, Vol 29, Issue 2


 Tetramine is considered as a highly poisonous substance that can cause the neurological disorder to anyone who intake it within a few minutes. The clonic tonic seizure can be developed and death can be the finalized result. Here, the author assesses whether the two presently used antidotes have any possibility to reduce the tetramine level in blood level. The author tries to us e a molecular docking technique to study the mechanism of sodium valproate and sodium dimercaptopropane on tetramine. Of interest, there is no detected interaction. This confirms the fact that there is no direct neutralization effect. Hence, it can explain the fact that there is no significant reduction of blood tetramine level in intoxication case after getting the two antidotes.

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How To Cite

Viroj WIWANITKIT (2012).  Sodium Valproate and Sodium Dimercaptopropane Sulfonate, No Binding To Tetramine and No Reduction of Blood Tetramine Level. Journal of Neurological Sciences-Turkish, 29(2), 229-231.