Software Defined Radio Theoretical Analysis and Design Approach



 Now a days radio has become a common thing for every individual in the world. There has been many developments in radio after its invention in 1895 by Marconi. Particularly the concepts like cognitive radio and Software defined radio have been great advancements in communication. In this paper we will explore the inner working of software defined radio with an in depth description of its inner structure and working. We will also deal with the internal block diagrams of SDR transmitter and receiver. Imagine a radio in which most of theoperations are software controlled, SDR brings this into reality by selecting modulation and demodulation frequencies using programmable devices like FPGA, DSP and ASIC. This SDR also provides signal enhancements (equalization) and filtering. Generally in Software Defined Radio every aspect of its operation is performed by controlling software. This paper on a whole gives an information regarding SDR transmitter and receiver.

Authors and Affiliations

Regulagadda Srinivasa Aditya


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How To Cite

Regulagadda Srinivasa Aditya (2013).  Software Defined Radio Theoretical Analysis and Design Approach. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING TRENDS AND TECHNOLOGY, 4(5), 1788-1791.