Spectrum Sensing Techniques and Issues in Cognitive Radio



 In present day communication wireless communication has become the most popular communication. Because of this growing demand on wireless applications has put a lot of constraints on the available radio spectrum which is limited and precious. In fixed spectrum assignments there are many frequencies that are not being properly used. So cognitive radio helps us to use these unused frequency bands which are also called as “White Spaces”. This is a unique approach to improve utilization of radio electromagnetic spectrum. In establishing the cognitive radio there are 4 important methods. In this paper we are going to discuss about the first and most important method to implement cognitive radio i.e., “spectrum sensing”. The challenges, issues and techniques that are involved in spectrum sensing will discussed in detail.

Authors and Affiliations

Bodepudi Mounika# [1], Kolli Ravi Chandra# [2], Rayala Ravi Kumar


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How To Cite

Bodepudi Mounika# [1], Kolli Ravi Chandra# [2], Rayala Ravi Kumar (2013).  Spectrum Sensing Techniques and Issues in Cognitive Radio. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING TRENDS AND TECHNOLOGY, 4(4), 695-699. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-104013