The Expressions of Career Women’s Power and Gender Roles in Familial Activities
Journal Title: KultŁ«ra ir visuomenė. SocialiniŁ³ tyrimŁ³ Ł¾urnalas - Year 2011, Vol 2, Issue 2
The article analyzes the expression of career women’s power and gender roles in familial activities from the point of view of the respondents’ early childhood as well as their social and professional experience. Twenty semi-structured interviews with career women conducted in april, 2009, and in February and March, 2010, reveal the motives for their choice of a career, gender role models and the expression of power in their decision-making and conflict resolution in their families. The results of the empirical research show that most respondents do not transfer their status and power to the familial activities and decision-making. It appears that the couples usually follow the principles of cooperation, negotiation and comfort in making financial decisions or dealing with conflicts. They employ the egalitarian gender relations in their families. The empirical research demonstrates two dominant models of gender relations in the respondents’ families. In the first model, partners share the responsibilities of housekeeping and childcare with respect to women’s employment. Men adapt to women’s work schedules and get involved in household chores. in the second model, women achieve egalitarian gender relations by force and domination. They use their careers and jobs as a way to make men get involved in housekeeping and childcare.
Authors and Affiliations
Rita Činikienė
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