The potential advantages and threats related to the application of medical savings accounts in the health care financing
Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2013, Vol 11, Issue 2
Medical savings accounts (MSAs) represent an innovative and controversial method of health care financing based on individual savings accumulated to cover health care expenditures. From a theoretical point of view, the MSA concept helps to reduce moral hazard occurring in the health insurance systems, at the same time coping with the future challenges posed by demographic trends (ageing societies). The purpose of the paper is to discuss the arguments put in favour and against implementation of MSAs into the contemporary health care systems. First the concept of medical savings accounts is briefly described. Next, the main advantages and disadvantages concerning this mechanism of health care financing are considered. The paper ends with the conclusion that the existing health care financing conditions and other specific institutional, socio-economic and cultural factors are the main determinants for successful designing and implementation of the MSA scheme in a given country.
Authors and Affiliations
Marta Borda
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