In the administrative organization of medieval Moldavian state an important role played Orthodox Church and its territorial structures Metropolitan and Episcopates. It’s known throughout the dispute over the recognition...
The article covers a topic related to family history - divorce, insufficiently treated in historiography. In this study based on concrete examples from Bessarabia, it will be presented the daily reality in the problem of...
L’ouvrage ci-joint se propose à présenter et à expliquer l’adhésion d’ I. Al. Brătescu-Voineşti au parti nationaliste. Ecrivain dans l’œuvre duquel la compassion pour les humbles est si évidente, homme voulant servir sa...
The article analyses the socio-historical background of the European Reformation ideas development and dissemination, which influenced the institutional design of the Evangelical-Protestant communities in Ukrainian lands...
The new situation created after the defeat of the revolution of 1848 increased the interest and the curiosity of Europe for the Romanian territory. The number of foreign travelers continued to be high during the period 1...
EP ID EP103083
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How To Cite
Antonii Moisei (2011). Winter Carnival Traditions of the Eastern Romanian Population in Bukovina. Some historiographical issues. Codrul Cosminului, 17(1),
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State and church in the organization of Moldavian country until the end of 18th century
In the administrative organization of medieval Moldavian state an important role played Orthodox Church and its territorial structures Metropolitan and Episcopates. It’s known throughout the dispute over the recognition...
Reflections on divorce in Bessarabia in the first half of the nineteenth century: the adultery
The article covers a topic related to family history - divorce, insufficiently treated in historiography. In this study based on concrete examples from Bessarabia, it will be presented the daily reality in the problem of...
Ioan Alexandru Brătescu-Voineşti: de pacifisme à houliganisme
L’ouvrage ci-joint se propose à présenter et à expliquer l’adhésion d’ I. Al. Brătescu-Voineşti au parti nationaliste. Ecrivain dans l’œuvre duquel la compassion pour les humbles est si évidente, homme voulant servir sa...
European Reformation and Distinguishing Features of the Institutional Design of the Early Protestant Currents in the Ukrainian Lands
The article analyses the socio-historical background of the European Reformation ideas development and dissemination, which influenced the institutional design of the Evangelical-Protestant communities in Ukrainian lands...
The Moldovan society during the Crimean War in the vision of French travelers and consuls
The new situation created after the defeat of the revolution of 1848 increased the interest and the curiosity of Europe for the Romanian territory. The number of foreign travelers continued to be high during the period 1...