Neoblattella detersa (Walker, 1868) (Blattodea: Pseudophyllodromiidae) in Cuba: identification, distribution, and taxonomic comments
Journal Title: REVISTA CHILENA DE ENTOMOLOGÍA - Year 2022, Vol 48, Issue 2
The male genitalia and other internal characters of Neoblattella detersa (Walker) are studied for the first time, in order to compare specimens from Florida (USA) with those from Cuba to corroborate the identification of the species. A diagnosis is provided, and the species is redescribed. Useful characters for the identification of the taxon are illustrated, and the distribution of the species in Cuba is updated. The relationships among the species of the Detersa species-group, as well as the taxonomic status of the genus Neoblattella in the insular Caribbean are commented and discussed.
Authors and Affiliations
Esteban Gutiérrez, Rolando Fernández de Arcila
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