Nephrolithiasis in children hospitalized in clinic of nephrology – single center experience
Journal Title: Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis - Year 2017, Vol 71, Issue
INTRODUCTION: Currently we do not have reliable data on the epidemiology of nephrolithiasis in children and ado-lescents in Poland. It seems that it becomes a civilization disease and it is being diagnosed increasingly in the pediatric population. The reasons for this phenomenon include changes in eating habits, physical inactivity, epidemics of obe-sity and even global climate warming. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Our manuscript presents the results of a retrospective analysis of a group of children hospitalized due to nephrolithiasis and metabolic predisposition to the formation of urinary tract deposits in 2010–2013 years in the Clinic of Nephrology, Childrens’ Hospital in Zabrze. The assessment was made regarding the pre-valence of each metabolic risk factor and its relationship with the ultrasound image. RESULTS I CONCLUSION: The group of children with suspected nephrolithiasis, or the state of metabolic predisposition for kidney stones is characterized by a large variety of biochemical disturbances, which are favourable for crystallization deposits formation in the urinary tract. What is surprising, is the lack of relationship between the intensity of changes on kidney ultrasound and biochemical abnormalities potentially predisposing to the formation of deposits. Nephrocalcinosis in ultrasound shows the clear relationship with hypercalciuria. Primary disorders of the parathyroid, and an overdosing of vitamin D are rarely the explanation of the cause of nephrolithiasis in children.
Authors and Affiliations
Katarzyna Dyga, Piotr Adamczyk, Omar Bjanid, Dagmara Roszkowska-Bjanid, Elżbieta Trembecka-Dubel, Agnieszka Jędzura, Krzysztof Plesiński, Aurelia Morawiec-Knysak, Maria Szczepańska
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