
У статті систематизуються роздуми Є. Маланюка, спрямовані на осмислення постаті П. Тичини в контексті окресленої проблеми «духовної суверенності» генія і таланту. Досліджуються взаємозв’язки між біографічними факторами становлення духовності і динамікою мистецької практики, яка була відбиттям внутрішньої суті поета. Здійснене наближення до розуміння феномену «національної душі» крізь призму доль і самореалізацій відомих персон української культури. Y. Malaniuk devoted special attention to P. Tychyna in the context of the outlined problem of «spiritual sovereignty» of genius and talent. Looking for the interrelations between the biographical factors of the formation of spirituality and the dynamics of artistic practice, which was a reflection of the inner essence of the poet, the literary scholar reffered to the deep mental factors that provoked the deformation of P. Tychyna’s creative person. Y. Malaniuk characterizes the clarinetist as a genius, outlining planetary and space-consciousness of his artistic thinking, intuition as the basis of the artistic experience of reality, the archetype of images, musicality as the manifestation of the Dionysian origin, obsession, etc. At the same time, he stressed that the lack of a firm mental basis (the spiritual marginality of the artist, the state of transition between the peasant-bourgeois and priestly culture was due to his origin) determined the impersonal nature of his creative nature, and, accordingly, in the dramatic time of totalitarian pressure, he displayed a weak will, fear and internal fracture, which tragically affected his manner. To understand the creative work and personality of P. Tychyna, Y. Malaniuk refers to the works of «Naprovesni» (1922), «Buriane polittia» (1927), «M. Rylskyi u piatdesiatylittia» (1951), reflecting the dynamics of the research methodology of the critic and his assessments. Thus, the signs of P. Tychyna's creative manner, according to Y. Malaniuk's observations, stemmed from the musicality of his attitude and worldview. The critic observes that the music in lyrics is not only formative, although it confirms this by an analysis of his soundtrack, the basis of which is the intuitive experience of the author of being. It is the basis of the imagery of his poetic world, and this is the essence of his genius. These signs evolve criticisms of P. Tychyna's genius and creativity, pointing to the perfection and sublime, the philosophical depth of his gain, which has a universal meaning determined by the cosmizm of the poet's artistic thinking. Along with this, Y. Malaniuk raises an important issue of the artist's personality, which becomes the leader of the grips and aspirations of the nation, its experiences, hopes and predictions of destiny. The mechanism of the degradation of the P. Tychyna's creative personality is a cross-cutting problem for Y. Malaniuk, because its reflection brings the author closer to understanding of the psychological basis of malorossiystvo in art. The integrity of the individual provided by the culture is a sign of elitism. In criticism, this concept has not so much a social dimension as spiritual. Elitism is a feature of the culture of world outlook, the world experience of the part of Ukrainianity, which is characterized by active spiritual development, stimulated primarily by education.

Authors and Affiliations

Victoria Krasnoshchok


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Victoria Krasnoshchok (2018). НЕПОВНОТА «УКРАЇНСЬКОЇ ЛЮДИНИ»: ДРАМА П. ТИЧИНИ У КРИТИЦІ Є. МАЛАНЮКА. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія, 11(18), 66-72. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-486002