Nerve Conduction Studies, SEP and Blink Reflex Studies in Recently Diagnosed, Untreated Thyroid Disease Patients
Journal Title: Journal of Neurological Sciences-Turkish - Year 2007, Vol 24, Issue 1
The purpose of this study was to investigate the electrophysiological changes in the peripheral and central nervous system in recently diagnosed subclinical thyroid disease patients before any treatment. This study included 22 patients with hypothyroidism and 13 patients with hyperthyroidism who had no other disease which could affect peripheral or central nervous system. We performed nerve conduction studies, median nevre somatosensorial evoked potentials and blink reflex studies in 35 patients and 30 age and gender matched controls. Distal latency, compound muscle action potential amplitude, nerve conduction velocity, minumum F-latency were recorded in the motor nerve conduction studies, distal latency, sensorial nerve action potential amplitüde, nerve conduction velocity were recorded in the sensorial nerve conduction studies and cortical N20-P25 potential latencies were recorded during the median somatosensorial evoked potential study. Bilaterally R1, R2 and contralaterally R2 potentials were evaluated during the blink reflex studies. In the subclinical hypothyroid patients median motor and sensorial nerves were the most commonly affected nerves with carpal tunnel syndrom being positive in 54,5 % of these patients. Sensorimotor polyneuropathy was find in 8-9% of subclinical hypothyroid patients while this ratio was 15,38% in subclinical hyperthyroid patients. Sural neuropathy was found in 23,07% of subclinical hyperthyroid patients. A decrease in median, ulnar and sural sensorial nerve action potential amplitüdes and tibial motor nerve conduction velocities were the other findings in this group. During the median nerve SEP studies the most common pathological finding in all patients was an increase in P25 cortical latency. This was found in 45,45%
Authors and Affiliations
Gülbün , Geysu KARLIKAYA, , Önder US, Gülseren AKSOY
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