Nerwiaki nerwu słuchowego: zalecane postępowanie diagnostyczne i terapeutyczne

Journal Title: Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny - Year 2012, Vol 1, Issue 1


Between six and ten percent of brain tumours are located in the cerebellopontine angle. Most of them are vestibular schwannomas (80–90%). Most common symptoms are: unilateral hearing loss, sudden hearing loss, tinnitus, disequilibrium, vertigo, facial nerve or trigeminial nerve dysfunction and headache. According to the National Institute of Health Consensus Development Conference gadolinium MRI constitutes the gold standard during diagnostic process and surgery constitutes the best treatment option. There are three possible approaches: middle fossa approach, retrosigmoid approach and translabyrinthine approach. At present, the aim of tumour is defied as its total removal combined with preservation of patient’s neurological functions after surgery to the greatest possible extent. There are also alternative to microsurgery treatment options, such as “wait-and-see policy” or radiotherapy. The aim of this study is to review diagnostic methods and treatment options connected with acoustic neuroma. The analysis fouses on proposing therapeutic procedures that would be useful in everyday practice.

Authors and Affiliations

Barbara Jamróz, Kazimierz Niemczyk


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Barbara Jamróz, Kazimierz Niemczyk (2012). Nerwiaki nerwu słuchowego: zalecane postępowanie diagnostyczne i terapeutyczne. Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny, 1(1), -.