Journal Title: Діалог: медіа-студії - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 24
Early scholars of new media saw internet as new free self-productive media which can transfers its own form on society at large. But with emerging of some kind of internet-monopolists (Google, Facebook etc.) such techno-optimistic point of view clashes with works of new generation of new media theorists. This article is suggesting that such properties of new media as interactivity and common creation of content in contemporary political condition of populist turn and economical condition of monopolism lead to producing of «affectiveness» which endangers democracy. The last one understood as possibility of group of people to solve political questions as independent and rational persons. Article sees bad condition of monopolism mostly not as lack of competition in new media sphere, but as contemporary view on new media sees last as usual capitalist enterprises which can save their own «commercial secrets». Usual mechanism of Page Rank algorithm on Google or news feed on Facebook are such secrets which are not free to discuss in society. «Affectiveness» in such case understood as possibility of users of new media take and distribute lots of unverified information through «closed» mechanism of new media. This article provides some specific cases of «affectivity» in Belarusian internet space – analysis of internet-communities of «national-anarchists», internet-struggle between supporters of BPR and BSSR for claiming these states as first national Belarusian state and case of virtual state «Viejsnoryja». All these cases connected with painful issues of Belarusian society (such as lack of democratic institutions or lack of public discussion about national history) and illustrates how these problematic questions are «affect» users by the internet-mechanism to collective dreaming (in best case) or mutual hostility (in worst case) instead of rational discussion about these issues.
Authors and Affiliations
Gleb Koran
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