New medicines and theirs adverse events in therapy of chronic HCV infection
Journal Title: Postępy Nauk Medycznych - Year 2010, Vol 23, Issue 10
On beginning of years 90, recombined interferon use in therapy of patients with chronic HCV infection was effective at about 15%. Associating of this therapy from rybavirin, and then replacement recombined interferon by pegylated interferon improved antiviral of treatment effectiveness considerably.In this article were presented the researches on the efficiency and adverse effects of new interferons and nucleoside analogs in patients with HCV infection. In relation to the same group of the patients were discussed the latest results of the researches on the new antivirus preparations: inhibitors of protease or polymerase and cyclophilin inhibitors.Introduced investigations show, that multidirectional development of investigations over well-known and it will bring new antiviral medicines soon to best's tolerance of therapy, which will be she could be shorter guaranteing yet considerably higher antiviral effectiveness.
Authors and Affiliations
Tadeusz Łapiński, Robert Flisiak
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