Nieformalne obszary uczenia się dorosłych – edukacyjne konteksty podróżowania

Journal Title: Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów - Year 2015, Vol 16, Issue


The first part of the paper describes theoretical concepts of learning, characteristics of adult education, reflectiveness, mobilities. In this article the author presents some part of her own research. The aim of this research was reconstruction of backpacking phenomenon based on travellers’ experiences. The applied research strategy was documentary method, whereas individual interview was the technique of collecting the research material. As the results we have different educational benefits from travellers’ experiences. For many adults travelling is the way of learning, getting to know the world, broadening their mind. They acquire general and specific knowledge and often decide to take up different studies or write dissertations. Travelling broadens their perspective of understanding social, political and cultural conditions of the visited countries. It gives the opportunity to compare one's own knowledge and ideas with the reality of the visited countries. Travellers become more responsible for the people and nations they meet. They join various organizations or try to help in any other way. Travelling helps to discover and develop certain features which can be used in many everyday situations – adults discover their skills, competence and abilities. As a result this leads to an increase of self confidence, independence and responsibility. Such changes improve social, personal and work life.

Authors and Affiliations

Agata Wiza


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How To Cite

Agata Wiza (2015). Nieformalne obszary uczenia się dorosłych – edukacyjne konteksty podróżowania. Dyskursy Młodych Andragogów, 16(), 47-58.