
У статті розглядається нормативно-правова база функціонування японської партійної системи. Проаналізовані основні закони, які регулюють діяльність партій, поправки до цих законів. Визначаються передумови та причини внесення змін до законодавства, що регулює партійну сферу, на певних етапах розвитку країни, їх вплив на подальший розвиток партійної системи країни. The party system is an important part of the functioning of any state. The system is regulated with a number of laws, regulations as well as amendment acts. The abovementioned acts are under consideration in the present article. The legal basis for legislation in all areas of human activity is the Constitution. It is related to the party system, too. The Constitution defines the powers of parliament, the terms of the dissolution of parliament and elections. Particularly these provisions are specified in the Election Law which was passed by the National Diet in 1950. The law consists of 17 chapters and regulates various positions: the right to be elected; constituencies; electorate; date of the election; the process of voting; counting of votes; election procedure; candidates; elected representatives; extraordinary and special elections; campaign; expenses and donations related to elections; debate; fines. The amendment acts to this law were adopted repeatedly. Among the latter amendments there is reducing the number of MPs in the House of Representatives from 480 to 475 (came in force during the special elections in December 2014) and reducing voter age from 20 to 18 (the amendment adopted in 2015). Special attention in the article is paid to the issue of financing of political parties as well as to the laws which regulate this sphere. Except the Election Law, the Regulation Of Political Funds Act adopted in 1948 and the Law «Оn state subsidies to political parties» adopted in 1994 can be considered under this regard. The financing of election campaign is an area where the largest number of violations is extremely possible. The political funds law is aimed to curb corruption in the political system in Japan and to set limits of donations that can be given to parties and politicians. Also this law sets the order of the financial statements. The amendments (adopted in 1994) restricted donations to individual MPs and allowed to give donations to the party fund, which had to provide their candidates with financing. Finally corporate donations to the MPs were banned in the amendment adopted in 2000. The funds given by corporations and unions now have to be appropriated exclusively to the bank account of the party. In 1994, when the Law «On state subsidies to political parties» was adopted, the practice of the state funding of political parties was established. The law, which dealt exclusively with parliamentary parties, became profitable to the major Japanese political parties that dominated in the political life, and consolidated their leading position in Japanese politics.

Authors and Affiliations

T. Ivanets


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T. Ivanets (2016). НОРМАТИВНО-ПРАВОВЕ ЗАБЕЗПЕЧЕННЯ ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ ПОЛІТИЧНИХ ПАРТІЙ В ЯПОНІЇ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія, 6(16), 234-241. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-429103