The purpose of the article is to analyse the transitional justice in Rwanda, the mechanism
of reconciliation, peacebuilding after the genocide and post-conflict recovery
of the society. In the introduction, the evolution...
“Friends-and-neighbors voting”, that is, the tendency of voters to support local candidates
(even in national elections) is a phenomenon known from a number of
democracies. In this short article I focus on three constitu...
Sociology of classes of Michele Lamont, which was developed in a dialogue with
Pierre Bourdeu’s theory of classes, is a separate and original proposal of studies
on classes. It is to be based on analyses of group identif...
Jerzy Wiatr (2017). Nota redakcyjna do tekstu Juliana Hochfelda. Studia Socjologiczno-Polityczne. Seria Nowa, 6(1),
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Itsembabwoko oznacza genocyd. Sprawiedliwość transformacyjna i pamięć o ludobójstwie w Rwandzie
The purpose of the article is to analyse the transitional justice in Rwanda, the mechanism of reconciliation, peacebuilding after the genocide and post-conflict recovery of the society. In the introduction, the evolution...
„Głosowanie przyjacielsko-sąsiedzkie”: Przyczynek do badań w kontekście polskim
“Friends-and-neighbors voting”, that is, the tendency of voters to support local candidates (even in national elections) is a phenomenon known from a number of democracies. In this short article I focus on three constitu...
Klasy w postnarodowych społeczeństwach. Socjologia klas według Michèle Lamont
Sociology of classes of Michele Lamont, which was developed in a dialogue with Pierre Bourdeu’s theory of classes, is a separate and original proposal of studies on classes. It is to be based on analyses of group identif...
Głos w dyskusji nt. spuścizny Juliana Hochfelda
Polska praca o pojednaniu polsko-niemieckim Jerzy J. Wiatr, Polish-German Relations: The Miracle of Reconciliation (Opladen-Berlin-Toronto: Barbara Budrich Publishers, 2014)