Nowe spojrzenie na jedność patogenetyczną górnych i dolnych dróg oddechowych
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2008, Vol 62, Issue 1
Between the upper and the lower respiratory tracts exists a link. Numerous epidemiological, immunological studies and clinical observations suggest the pathogenic unity of the upper and lower airways. The most important observations regarding the nose-lung interaction is rhinitis and asthma. The inflammatory process in the nose is the same as in the bronchi, clinically defined as rhinosinusitis, nasal polyps, asthma, bronchial hyperreactivity, allergy, viral infections. The strict link between the rhinosinusitis and asthma implies new possibility of influencing one of the two complaints by treating the other one with an integrated therapy (pharmacotherapy, endonasal microsurgery).
Authors and Affiliations
Edward Mroczkowski, Romuald Wielgosz
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