Journal Title: Інформаційні системи, механіка та керування - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 14
Research of stress-strain state (SSS) and behavior systems consisting of compounds of composite and metallic materials is actual, due interest of the industry in cheapening and simplifying manufacturing while maintaining specified strength structural parameters. A virtual experiment is considered housing a rocket engine solid fuel (RESF) with equipment for conducting static tests of strength and conduct on this basis virtual testing operational loads in conditions full-scale hydraulic tests for evaluating impact of connection status composite-relieving element-metal for strength RESF. Simulation condition housing of RESF to carrying-snap test was implemented on basis of developed computer technology realizing phased construction of finite element 3-D structural model, task real physical and mechanical properties of materials, actual loads, imitation fixing condition and conduct calculation of mechanical state. Special method of construction of a regular finite element mesh been used (Method Michelangelo) allowing greatly reduce the time needed for calculations in ANSYS complex. Basic finite-element models that match specified documentation geometrical and mechanical parameters of the structure are designed using three-dimensional elements type "SOLID". Composite material RESF simulated isotropic material with properties reflecting the winding of 45 degrees. Because of use composite materials in the elastic calculation was performed setting. The results of the virtual experiments conclusions about functionality RESF design: - not glued sn the area of apex fitting member does not worsen SSS RESF. - not glued on verge of of laying element worsen SSS RESF; - reduction Poisson ratio compensator on fitting member worsens SSS RESF; - use compensator with a high elastic modulus improve SSS RESF. Partial tabs compensator with higher modulus of elasticity worsen SSS RESF. Conducted research allows at designing of more extensive use of numerical simulation to minimize expenses for manufacture and working
Authors and Affiliations
Олег Иванович Ковч,, Валерий Валериевич Сатокин
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