Numerical and Experimental Study the Effect of Impeller Design on the Performance of Submerged Turbine
Journal Title: IOSR Journals (IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering) - Year 2016, Vol 18, Issue 2
Abstract: "This work presents the design and fabrication of Gorlov helical water turbine. The turbine was tested theoretically and experimentally. For the experimental part open channel was long=1600cm, high=45cmand width=30cm. six water velocity were tested namely (0.86, 1.26, 1.311, 1.51, 1.697 and 1.81 m/s). The results showed that the extracted power increased with velocity. At water velocity of 1.81 m/s, the power produced was 4.621 W. LAPVIEW program was used to control and operate the wind tunnel test bench. Fluentwas used to model the turbine and analyses flow around the turbine. Continuity and Naver-stockes equations were solved for a steady, three dimensions and incompressible flow. Turbulence model was tackled by using (k - w The numerical results showed that at 1.81m/s air speed, the power produced was 4.44 W. An agreement was obtained between the experimental and theoretical results."
Authors and Affiliations
Assist. Prof. Dr. Muna S. Kassim , Hannen A. Noaf
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