Nutritional regimen and physical activity of schoolchildren from urban and rural areas

Journal Title: Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis - Year 2017, Vol 71, Issue


INTRODUCTION: Balanced nutrition guarantees the harmonious development of schoolchildren. Proper eating habits and physical activity should prevent diet-dependent diseases. The aim of the paper was to specify the nutritional mistakes, physical activity and differences in the nutritional regimen of urban and rural schoolchildren. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was conducted in September 2015 in Częstochowa among schoolchildren from the 4th to 6th grade of primary school from urban and rural areas. It was conducted with the authors' own questionnaire. RESULTS: The majority of the surveyed children (79.33%) eat the first breakfast daily. The biggest examined group (82.69%) eat a sandwich prepared at home for the second breakfast. 32.69% of the schoolchildren do not eat a snack. The largest number of them drink mineral water (35.10%), 87.02% always take part in Physical Education classes. 47.12% regularly attend additional sports classes, yet 52.88% do not engage in regular physical activities. CONCLUSIONS: 1. Some of the nutritional mistakes made by the children include: not eating the first breakfast or not eating the first breakfast at home, eating dinner both at school and home, not eating a snack and a low intake of mineral water during the day. 2. The differences found in the nutritional regimen of schoolchildren depending on their place of residence regard: food consumed for the second breakfast, time of eating supper and beverages drunk during the day. 3. Children from urban areas significantly more often take part in physical activities after school.

Authors and Affiliations

Apolonia Stefaniak, Joanna Kasznia-Kocot


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  • EP ID EP361877
  • DOI 10.18794/aams/68926
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How To Cite

Apolonia Stefaniak, Joanna Kasznia-Kocot (2017). Nutritional regimen and physical activity of schoolchildren from urban and rural areas. Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis, 71(), 349-356.