The article is an attempt to present the way, how institutional environment formsand influences entrepreneurship. The author basing on the resource-based view ofthe firm treats institutional environment as an institution...
CelCelem artykułu jest prezentacja dwóch modeli nauczania etyki biznesu, którymi są: model akademicki, określany jako biznes z perspektywy etycznej i model korporacyjny, nazywany etyką z biznesowego punktu wiedzenia. W a...
Purpose: The aim of the paper is to overview the research on inequalities in economics. The paper is
based on mainstream and heterodox economic theories and approaches addressing inequality and
its economic interdependen...
Purpose: The aim of the study was to explore and compare reporting practices on provisions for
liabilities in different countries.
EP ID EP186017
Views 158
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How To Cite
Jan Myszewski (2007). O Lesławie Wasilewskim, pro memoria. Journal of Management and Business Administration. Central Europe, 15(4),
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Entrepreneurship in the institutional context – few thoughts. [sub]Work on this publication has been financed from own research grant No N N112 305138 as a part of a pool of research grants for period between 2010-2015[/sub]
The article is an attempt to present the way, how institutional environment formsand influences entrepreneurship. The author basing on the resource-based view ofthe firm treats institutional environment as an institution...
Measures of Competitive Intensity – Analysis Based on Literature Review
Purpose: To systematize the existing approaches and tools used for measuring competitive intensity.
Biznes z perspektywy etycznej czy etyka z biznesowego punktu widzenia? O dwóch modelach nauczania etyki biznesu
CelCelem artykułu jest prezentacja dwóch modeli nauczania etyki biznesu, którymi są: model akademicki, określany jako biznes z perspektywy etycznej i model korporacyjny, nazywany etyką z biznesowego punktu wiedzenia. W a...
Inequality in Economics: The Concept, Perception, Types, and Driving Forces
Purpose: The aim of the paper is to overview the research on inequalities in economics. The paper is based on mainstream and heterodox economic theories and approaches addressing inequality and its economic interdependen...
Cross-country Differences in Reporting Practices – the Case of Provisions for Liabilities
Purpose: The aim of the study was to explore and compare reporting practices on provisions for liabilities in different countries.