The aim of the paper is to show the main procedures used in a translation of the specific cultural elements encrypted in Alexandra Marinina’s criminal novels. The material of the present analysis was taken from three boo...
This article deals with the implications of Alexander Vertinsky stay in Poland in the 1920s. Literary works of this representative of the first wave of Russian emigration enjoyed great popularity in the interwar period i...
EP ID EP657932
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How To Cite
Wanda Supa (1997). O odradzaniu się sacrum chrześcijańskiego w rosyjskiej prozie radzieckiej. ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA, 1(0),
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Przekład realiów kulturowych w rosyjskiej powieści kryminalnej (na materiale utworów Aleksandry Marininy w tłumaczeniu Elżbiety Rawskiej i Aleksandry Stronki)
The aim of the paper is to show the main procedures used in a translation of the specific cultural elements encrypted in Alexandra Marinina’s criminal novels. The material of the present analysis was taken from three boo...
Koncepcja "Atlasu etnolingwistycznego Pobuża"
Hiponimia a pionowa klasyfikacja słownictwa
"Русская литература Литвы XIX - первая половина XX века. Учебно-методическое пособие", Павел Лавринец, Vilnius 1999
Recepcja twórczości Aleksandra Wertyńskiego w Polsce
This article deals with the implications of Alexander Vertinsky stay in Poland in the 1920s. Literary works of this representative of the first wave of Russian emigration enjoyed great popularity in the interwar period i...