O partykułach wzmacniających w szesnastowiecznych przekładach Ewangelii na język polski
Journal Title: Rozprawy Komisji Językowej Łódzkiego Towarzystwa Naukowego - Year 2015, Vol 0, Issue
The article treats of the intensive particles (affective) in 16thcentury translations of the Gospel to Polish language. The presence of expressive particles (emotive ones) is a specific feature of the old Polish language and of the local dialects. In 16th century translations of the Gospel we can found a lot of different particles too, such as a, i, to, but the most frequent are że and ci. Only these particles are shortened to -ż and -ć, usually when placed after the vowel, but sometimes not, as can be seen in such examples as jeśliż and jeśliże, as well as jeślić and jeślici. The article presents the origin of particle ci and the proposals of its transcription for the texts of A type, i.e. the publications strictly scientific, documentation ones, for research purposes. There is also covered the diverse frequency of particles ci/-ć and że/-ż in nine different 16th century translations of the Gospel to Polish language, from the highest frequency in Bible from Brześć, to smallest in Szymon Budny’s translations. An attempt to present the reasons of this diversity is also the subject of the article: it is shown that especially the chronology of texts influences this phenomenon, in a smaller extent the religion (confession) of translators.
Authors and Affiliations
Alina Kępińska
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