O wojnach markomańskich Marka Olędzkiego
Journal Title: Studia Europaea Gnesnensia - Year 2014, Vol 9, Issue
Recenzja książki: Marek Olędzki, Wojny markomańskie 162–185 n.e., Bellona, Warszawa 2011, 196 s., 25 ilustracji, dwie mapy
Authors and Affiliations
Mateusz Raszyński
Géza Alföldy: Forscher und Weltbürger
Géza Alföldy: Forscher und Weltbürger
Aesculapius et hygia als Dii Maiores?
The article tries to identify the theonymic referents of the so called dii Maiores and arrives at the conclusion that these are the two famous healers Aesculapius et Hygia.
On the method of determination of level of social activity of veterans in provinces of the Roman Empire (the case of Lower Moesia)
Active involvement of army veterans in local governance and religious life of provincial towns and villages of the Roman Empire is generally determined as the ratio of number of retired soldiers who were magistrates and...
W labiryntach kulturowej hybrydowości
REC. KSIĄŻKI Homi K. Bhabha, Miejsca kultury, przekład Tomasz Dobrogoszcz, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego, Kraków 2010, 322 s
Romanisierung als Integrationsfaktor des Imperium Romanum
Romanization is one of the most cultural phenomena of the Roman world, whose distant echoes are palpable even today. It should be construed as a consolidation of the image of the Roman state throughout its territory, whi...