Answering the question of why the ruling party in Poland (PiS) maintains such strong support, we refer to various arguments and disciplines, from sociology, discourse analysis, and social psychology to cultural philosoph...
This paper is a critical analysis of the ‘death of class’ thesis advanced by Jan Pakulski and
others. The thesis is found to be flawed on theoretical and substantive grounds.
Magdalena Jan Hartman (2017). O wyzwaniach komunikacyjnych socjologii łódzkiej (i nie tylko). Przegląd Socjologiczny, 0(2),
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„Polityka krzywdy” PiS
Answering the question of why the ruling party in Poland (PiS) maintains such strong support, we refer to various arguments and disciplines, from sociology, discourse analysis, and social psychology to cultural philosoph...
The death of class?
This paper is a critical analysis of the ‘death of class’ thesis advanced by Jan Pakulski and others. The thesis is found to be flawed on theoretical and substantive grounds.
Jacek Tittenbrun, Neither capital nor class. A critical analysis of Pierre Bourdieu’s theoretical framework, Wilmington
Kazimiera Wódz (red.), 2013, Zapomniane miejsca, zapomniani ludzie. Restrukturyzacja ekonomiczna a zmiana kulturowa – RECENZJA
Kondycja intelektualna i etyczna badacza społecznego