O zakłamywaniu prawdziwego obrazu Polskiego Państwa i prawa w niemieckim czasopiśmie „Hoffnungszeichen / Sign of Hope” autorstwa Dorit Töpler
Journal Title: TEKA Komisji Prawniczej Oddział PAN w Lublinie - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue
Authors and Affiliations
Tadeusz Guz
Majątkowa ochrona stosunku powinowactwa mortis causa
Realizując koncepcję poszerzenia kręgu spadkobierców ustawowych w prawie polskim, ustawodawca zdecydował o zaliczeniu do uprawnionych do dziedziczenia z ustawy dzieci małżonka spadkodawcy. Takie rozwiązanie wydaje się sp...
The Future of the European Concept of Human Rights
Since more than two centuries, Europe has been largely built on the French Revolution value system – on the freedom, the equality, and the fraternity. Many people consider this event to be epochal and of great importance...
Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union
The Treaty of Lisbon has created a new impulse, for the external activities under taken by the European Union, confirming its role as an international actor. As the Article 24, section 2 of the TEU reads: “Within the fra...
Protection of Individual Rights in the Field of Criminal Law of Slovak Republic
If we want to talk about the issue of protection and respect for fundamental human rights in the legal environment of the Slovak Republic from the point of view of criminal law, I believe that the right which deserves sp...
Synergy of the Law Systemsas Foundation for the Future of Europe
The referendum of May 2016 in the UK and the strengthening of a group of eurosceptics and nationalists in many European countries raises questions about the future of Europe and the European Union. The law is one of the...