This article is devoted to the analysis of the autobiographical element in the novel by Zachar Prilepin The Pathologies. It can be noticed that the contemporary Russian writer resigns from postmodernism poetics and turns...
The presence of the ancient Greek culture as a source of ethics and aesthetics in the life of a contemporary European is norm. The European art, including literature, has drawn inspiration from Greece for so many centuri...
At the end of the ХХ and the beginning of the ХХІ century an intensive development of theo-linguistics can be traced as a direction of linguistics, which aims at the investigation of the relation between language and rel...
EP ID EP652217
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Tadeusz Zienkiewicz (1998). Obchody setnej rocznicy śmierci Puszkina na ziemiach północno-wschodnich Rzeczypospolitej. ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA, 1(0),
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Автобиографическое начало в романе Захара Прилепина Патологии
This article is devoted to the analysis of the autobiographical element in the novel by Zachar Prilepin The Pathologies. It can be noticed that the contemporary Russian writer resigns from postmodernism poetics and turns...
Фразеология как средство выражения национальной ментальности : (безэквивалентная фразеология восточнославянскииx языков)
Fenomen w „martwym lustrze”. Poezja Josifa Brodskiego w kontekście ewolucji sztuki europejskiej
The presence of the ancient Greek culture as a source of ethics and aesthetics in the life of a contemporary European is norm. The European art, including literature, has drawn inspiration from Greece for so many centuri...
Wezwania cerkwi na ziemiach dawnej Rzeczypospolitej w połowie XIX wieku
Українсько-польські паралелі в системі фразеологічних біблеїзмів
At the end of the ХХ and the beginning of the ХХІ century an intensive development of theo-linguistics can be traced as a direction of linguistics, which aims at the investigation of the relation between language and rel...