Obcy w Dacji.
Journal Title: Studia Europaea Gnesnensia - Year 2016, Vol 13, Issue
Obcy w dacji. Rec. książki: Lucreţiu Mihailescu-Bîrliba, Ex toto orbe Romano: Immigration into Roman Dacia. With Prosopographical Observations on the Population of Dacia, Peeters, Collo-quia Antiqua 5, Leuven-Paris-Walpole 2011, XIII +166 s.
Authors and Affiliations
Leszek Mrozewicz
O Celtach...
Recenzja książki: Kalisia–Keltoi. Materiały z I Kaliskiej Sesji Starożytniczej, Kalisz 12 czerwca 2012 r., pod red. L. Tomczaka i D. Waszaka, Wydawnictwo Napoleon V, Kalisz–Oświęcim 2013, 98 s., z ilustracjami i mapami
Historia, pamięć i nacjonalizm po katalońsku
The article analyses relationships between history and memory in the context of Catalonian nationalism. Its essential aim is to demonstrate how one makes (i.e. uses and abuses) memory in Catalonia. The author seeks to sh...
Aspekty polityczne i militarne „roku czterech cesarzy” (68-69 r. po Chr.). Część 1: do śmierci Galby
The aim of this paper is to discuss the political and military aspects of the Year of the Four Emperors, i.e. the period of civil war in Rome which began with the death of emperor Nero in June 68, and ended with Vespasia...
Flâneur widziany oczyma flâneura. Próba przeanalizowania obrazu obserwatora tłumu kreowanego przez Waltera Benjamina
This paper discusses the figure of flâneur, the urban observer. By way of the perspective adopted by Walter Benjamin, I attempt to identify all aspects of flâneurism. What is more, I try to ascertain the existence of cor...
Szwed i polak czytają „Underdoga”. Kulturowe uwarunkowania recepcji dzieła literackiego
In the article, the author considers cultural factors which affect the reading of literary work by Swedish and Polish audiences. The piece in question is Underdog by Torbjörn Flygt (2001, translated into Polish by Elżbi...