The author analyzes the exercises in Polish creative writing guides, involving imagination, sensitivity and empathy. The article is an attempt to answer the question: what is the role of exercise in the stimulation of th...
The digitally wise human does not have to be a digital native as even a digital immigrant can achieve digital wisdom. For people aged 85 or more and publishing on the Web (digital sages 80+) creative writing results in s...
The article covers the topic of the more than one hundred years old tradition of translations of fragments of the Indian epic Mahabharata to Polish. The works of professional indologists like Jan Leciejewski, Helena Will...
EP ID EP264041
DOI 10.26485/ZRL/2017/60.2/12
Views 113
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How To Cite
Anna Zatora (2017). Oblicza kobiecej starości. Literatura i historia, red. Beata Walęciuk-Dejneka. Zagadnienia Rodzajów Literackich, 60(2),
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Wyobraźnia, empatia i twórcze pisanie / Imagination, Empathy and Creative Writing
The author analyzes the exercises in Polish creative writing guides, involving imagination, sensitivity and empathy. The article is an attempt to answer the question: what is the role of exercise in the stimulation of th...
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Mahabharata w literaturze polskiej. Przekłady, tłumaczenia, inspiracje
The article covers the topic of the more than one hundred years old tradition of translations of fragments of the Indian epic Mahabharata to Polish. The works of professional indologists like Jan Leciejewski, Helena Will...