Obowiązek lojalności członków organów spółki kapitałowej
Journal Title: Radca Prawny. Zeszyty naukowe - Year 2019, Vol 19, Issue 2
The law, for its proper exercise of regulatory functions, should be a source of values recognized in society. Its strength does not lie in the casuistry of formal orders and restrictions, but in the interpretation of its rules by axiology, in which the demand for a fair conclusion and performance of agreements, e.g. in corporations, is the most vital factor. The following considerations constitute an extension of the thesis that maintaining loyalty in capital companies applies to members of all its bodies. This obligation is identified with the integrity of their relations with the company, even if it is not stated expressis verbis in the Polish Commercial Companies Code in the form of a general clause, and pervades the entire regulation as one of the fundamental concepts determining the content of the law in the process of its application.
Authors and Affiliations
Robert Stefanicki
Wpływ ostatecznego stwierdzenia nieważności warunków zabudowy z powodu ich ustalenia z rażącym naruszeniem prawa na obowiązywanie decyzji o udzieleniu pozwolenia na budowę
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