
В статье проводится анализ таких литературоведческих категорий, как «антироман», «антигерой» и характерных для них черт в западноевропейских литературах ХХ века. Автор статьи исследует реализацию основных характеристик и отличительных черт главного героя романа современного английского прозаика Энтони Бёрджесса «Заводной апельсин» и аргументирует присущий персонажу диапазон свойств «антигероя». The article deals with the analysis of such literature categories as «antinovel», «antihero» and characteristic for them features in creative works of writers of the XXth century West-European literatures. The author of the article researches how the main features of «antihero» category are revealed and apart from that singles out those which are characteristic for the protagonist-antihero of Anthony Burgess novel «A Clockwork Orange». To carry out the analysis of «antinovel» and «antihero» literature categories the article highlights the information about the epoch when «new novel» as the alternative to everything old and a challenge to classical novel was introduced. As a result of those processes new categories «antihero», «antinovel» appeared in the West European literatures. The article touches upon the historic background of fighting for the idea of a «new world» in Great Britain in 60-s of the XX th century and its reflection in the main character’s features in «A Clockwork Orange» novel. It is stated in the article that the protagonist-«antihero» type as a criterion for an extremely antisocial, immoral, depriving of human values, cynical literature personage possessing sadistic inclinations is the evidence of the changes in human psyche for the worst and was introduced by the author of the novel to depict a true state of the English society which was deeply affected by the fight against the «old-fashioned» world with its morals and ideals. It has also been investigated how the author of the novel traces the development of his personage from his challenge the world to a duel to an opposite state when the state clinics challenges him to a duel, having forced him to go through a special medical treatment, which converted him into a not able to be himself man anymore. As a result it caused changes in the hero’s perception of life and social behaviour, which is depicted by the author in the final scenes of the novel. It has been proved in the article that humanistic views of the author prevail. They bring the idea that depriving the personality of individuality by the forcefully state introduced measures associates with manipulation of the human mind and finally can lead to depersonalization of a man. So, it has been figured out in the article that the main personage of the A. Burgess novel «A Clockwork Orange» has all the attributes to be specified as an «antihero» character.

Authors and Affiliations

Nataliia Hruzevych


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Nataliia Hruzevych (2016). ОБРАЗ АНТИГЕРОЯ В РОМАНЕ Э. БЁРДЖЕССА «ЗАВОДНОЙ АПЕЛЬСИН». Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія, 9(14), 7-14. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-428946