
В статье описывается применение методики построения семантических сетей в процессе исследования культурных (лингвокультурных) типажей. С целью объективного описания типажа предлагаются элементы программного интерфейса для создания информационной программы, определяющей семантические совпадения в корпусе тематических текстов, а также алгоритм работы такой программы. Диахронический подход к изучению человека как типизируемого образования культуры предполагает разработку понятия «ретротипаж». Примером ключевого ретротипажа украинской национальной культуры является концепт КОЗАК (фрейм [УКРАИНСКИЙ КОЗАК]). The study of a person as a typified formation of culture, in particular national, is multidimensional. A number of serious studies in the field of psychology, culturology, sociology and linguistics prove the existence both in the individual and in the collective consciousness of certain models of perception and awareness of individuals’ types determined by culture and fixed by various cultural codes, in particular linguistic ones. Methodologies, in particular applied nature, aimed at identifying the structural and semantic organization of linguocultural types (LCT), are able to expand the research capabilities of linguo-conceptology. Thus, from our point of view, LCT can be successfully described as an information cultural model with the help of methodologies and methods of applied linguistics. For example, the application of the research methodology for constructing semantic networks that reflect the semantics of a given subject area in the form of conceptual units system (elements of the object set) and navigational predicative relations between them may prove productive. National culture as a product of people historical development explores in the world culture linguocultural models that are important for understanding the philosophy of a particular culture, a certain psychotype of the ethnos and its mentality, that is, the cultural base that allows reconstructing the genesis of the entire culture and the typical portraits of its representatives with a high degree of probability. Undoubtedly, reconstruction of linguocultural types in diachrony is important for every culture. The result of the retrospective approach to the LCT research is a retrotype – a portrait of the typed person, created on the basis of information that captures the initial data about it in time. One of the culturologically significant retrotypes of the Ukrainian national discourse is the [Ukrainian] Kozak type. Based on the experience of our work related to the description of retrotypes, the elements of the program interface are proposed to create an information program that determines semantic coincidences in the body of thematic texts, as well as the algorithm for the operation of such a program. A wide range of sources of characteristics of a given concept allows us to apply the diachronic approach to the study of the cultural type, presenting it as a diachronic concept. Traditional cultures, to a greater extent than modern cultures, have concentrated in themselves historically relevant background knowledge that determine the essence of axiologically oriented models (including sapiens models). In such models, objective socio-psychological characteristics of cultural subjects are focused. As a result of reconstruction of cultural retro-types with the help of methods of applied linguistics, the researcher reliably determines the cultural dominants of a society of a certain epoch.

Authors and Affiliations

Natalia Koch


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Natalia Koch (2018). РЕТРОТИПАЖ КАК ПРОДУКТ НАЦИОНАЛЬНОЙ КУЛЬТУРЫ (ЛИНГВОПРИКЛАДНОЙ АСПЕКТ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ). Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія, 11(18), 49-58. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-485973