Obstacle Track in Physical Fitness Evaluation
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2006, Vol 16, Issue 36
Introduction. The weight training to which the prominence was given at the beginning of sixties years of last century fell short of many trainers expectations. Part of the authors presented stance based on an idea of complex training which joints motor abilities development with formation of motor habits. From that point of view the individual’s ability to use effectively own motor potential in specific motor task presents the basic criterion in training. At the same time the strength development in isolation from a form of its manifestation has to be avoided. Formation of motor coordination in that time defined as agility was taken as mostly important. As a criterion of its evaluation in motor activities the co-operation with other motor abilities was assumed. This requirement was fulfilled by motor forms which occurred in obstacle runs. In the paper some agility tests elaborated in DDR, Czechoslovakia and Poland are discussed. The synthetic test of general physical ability evaluation which is used in recruitment of candidates for physical education studies was also presented. Similar application, but in qualifying of candidates for police service, has obstacle track introduced in January 2006. The purpose of the work. Interesting construction of this test is worth to meet especially because the time norms expressed in points are the same in men and women.Material and methods. Detailed instruction of obstacle track organization along with instruction film is accessible in website of Police Headquarter www.policja.pl. The investigated sample consisted in 170 first year students (75 women and 95 men) of University of Physical Education in Wrocław.Results. The data were statistically analyzed. Correlation analysis showed independence of results on age and basic somatic features. All men under consideration covered the distance in time shorter than limit required in police (1,45,0), while in women 15 persons (20%) exceeded required time limit. Average results of women were worse of about 25% than those in men. Since of lack of progression in enclosed points table when higher achievements are converted into points the three points scales were drawn up: one common, without distinguishing of gender, and separate from men and women. In their construction logarithms and raising to a power were used.Conclusions. Assumed time limit in qualification of women for police service seems to be not very excessive owing to relatively low level of physical ability of female students, while time limit for men in comparison with results of male students suggests to be too low.
Authors and Affiliations
Adam Haleczko, Juliusz Migasiewicz, Ruszard Jezierski, Leszek Korzewa, Urszula Włodarczyk, Ewa Misiołek, Zdzisław Paliga, Jacek Stodółka
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