Ocena art. 25 ustawy o finansowaniu zadań oświatowych
Journal Title: Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych - Year 2018, Vol 57, Issue 1
The opinion refers to the allegation that Article 25 of the act introduces different treatment of public schools run by local self-government units and public schools run by other entities. Running a public school is the most important feature in terms of entitlement to receive subsidies from the state budget and budgets of local self-government units. As to the amount of the subsidy (and the method of its calculation), the question of the legal status of the entity running a school is an important issue. Public schools run by local government units are budgetary units of the public finance sector. Budgetary units are subject to various restrictions, which do not apply to other entities. It cannot be a priori recognized that the financing schools in both cases must be based on absolutely the same – in formal terms – principles. Criterion provided by Article 25 para. 3 of the Act causes that a certain type of public post-secondary schools, in which there is no compulsory schooling or the obligation to learn, is treated like schools for adults, despite the fact that it belongs to other types of such institutions. The introduced diversity is therefore inadequate to the motive of its establishment indicated in the course of legislative works.
Authors and Affiliations
Piotr Czarny
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