Ocena rządowego projektu nowelizacji ustawy – Prawo atomowe oraz ustawy o ochronie przeciwpożarowej
Journal Title: Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych - Year 2019, Vol 62, Issue 2
The author indicates that the purpose of the bill is to comply with obligations arising from the European Union law and international law. The project concerns the implementation in national law of provisions of Council directives introducing basic nuclear safety standards for protection against dangers arising from exposure to ionizing radiation. The proposed legal changes result from recommendations included in the perort of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
Authors and Affiliations
cezary Mik
Opinia prawna w sprawie zakresu kompetencji przewodniczącego oraz Prezydium Komisji Odpowiedzialności Konstytucyjnej
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Wykładnia art. 184 ust. 2 regulaminu Sejmu – przedmiot wniosku formalnego
The discussed Article specifies the acceptable subject matter of points of order. The assumption that they may concern matters being the subject of orders of the day and the course of sittings means that the subject mat...
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Opinia prawna w sprawie dopuszczalności pokrywania z ryczałtu na działalność biura poselskiego kosztów działalności tzw. mobilnego punktu do kontaktu z wyborcami
The author claims that there are no legal obstacles for a Deputy to incidentally fulfill his duties out-of-parliament by using, for this purpose, vehicles such as a bus. However, that sort of activity hast to stay within...
Europejski model nadzoru finansowego – kierunki rozwoju
The complexity and uncertainty in the application of the European system of financial supervision is due to the fact that its particular concepts were implemented at different times. First, it was the system of European...