Ocena wiedzy i zachowań społecznych powiatu bełchatowskiego na temat HIV i AIDS
Journal Title: Innowacje w Pielęgniarstwie i Naukach o Zdrowiu - Year 2018, Vol 3, Issue 2
Introduction. Nowadays the problem of HIV / AIDS is crucial. Although we have very good access to HIV /AIDS treatment in Poland, without any financial limitations, the HIV infection is still growing. Society and especially young people, do not have basic knowledge about HIV / AIDS and close their minds to the possibility of infection. This has a great influence on the increase of risky sexual behavior, the use of psychoactive substances, as well as ingoring risk of HIV infection. Medicine still does not know the drug that completely eliminates the virus from the body. Statistics are disturbing and show that two people in Poland find out about their infection daily . People are clearly reluctant to perform HIV tests. Aim. The aim of the study was to assess the level of knowledge of HIV / AIDS among people of 19-49 years of age in Belchatow. Material and methods. The research was carried out in January 2017 using a questionnaire survey, among randomly selected residents of the city of Bełchatów and its surroundings. Results. The knowledge of respodents of HIV and AIDS was moderate. They gave an average of 53.07% of correct answers to questions about various HIV and AIDS issues. The source of information about HIV and AIDS for the respondents was most often: the Internet, television, the press and magazines. In case of the Internet, the press and magazines there was no significant impact on the level of knowledge of the respondents on HIV and AIDS. On the other hand, television significantly reduced the level of this knowledge and thus was not a good source of information on this subject. The same influence on the level of knowledge in the field of HIV and AIDS had respondents' friends who also significantly reduced the level of knowledge on the subject. However, all other sources of information (e.i. literature, social campaigns, colleges and schools, and leaflets) significantly improved the level of knowledge in this area, and thus they were a good source of information on this subject. Conclusions. Because it is dangerous to neglect the HIV virus, emphasis should be placed on education, raising public awareness so that people can assess risky situations and know methods that will effectively prevent infection. Well-considered decisions and common sense protect against the risk of HIV infection, and this contributes to reducing the human dramas caused by developing AIDS.
Authors and Affiliations
Iwona Dylak, Bogusława Serzysko
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