Ochrona prawna dziedzictwa archeologicznego a rzeczywiste możliwości służb konserwatorskich na przykładzie stanowisk wpisanych do rejestru zabytków w Lednogórze, Moraczewie i Goślinowie
Journal Title: Studia Lednickie - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue
The purpose of this paper is to outline the issues related to the protection of archaeological heritage for conservation services. It focuses on the issues of cooperation between administrative units at various levels in the broadly understood system of the protection of monuments and shows the dissonance between the theory and practice of conservation. The value of cultural heritage and its significance for the society are important points in the reflection on the protection of monuments not only in the conservation milieu but also in scholarly debates. This is reflected in the parts devoted to the values and properties of heritage. The effective capability for the implementation of the law by conservation services is illustrated through the example of three sites entered in the register of monuments: Moraczewo (site 16), Lednogóra (site 8) and Goślinowo (site 4).
Authors and Affiliations
Marta Błażejewska, Daria Olejniczak
Dzwon Mieszko i Dobrawa na Ostrowie Lednickim. Symbol dynastii piastowskiej — od jego „narodzin” do poświęcenia
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